Sunday, 26 November 2017

100wc Sasha week 12

Yesterday, after work I came home to find my adorable pet Sandwich Holly lying on the floor. She was out of battery. I picked her up and hurried to the charging station in the garage, hoping that I wasn’t too late. I placed her on the charger. Then left to make dinner. I came back to see if Holly had charged enough. I crouched down to wake her up . . . She leaped over me, looking very energetic. We ran outside and we played with her old,  white bone. That night the sky was coloured with the rainbow as the sun set.

-Sasha Robinson

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sasha,
    Great use of the prompt this week. Your writing is very organized and well-edited.
    Great job!
    Mrs. Wlazlo in NY
    Team 100


100wc Week 12

“BEEP, BEEP, BEEP”.  Ugh I groan in misery.  It’s monday morning.  A school day.  Leaping out of bed, quickly getting dressed, I hurried o...