Sunday, 26 November 2017

100WC Week 12

I hurried around the tight corners. My luscious hair whipped onto my exhausted face. The chicken was half gone from my now lonely sandwich, due to how fast I was strutting! I am not the most energetic person so this is a very tough position for me. It was almost time. The clock was ticking. I was getting a feeling of blacking out like you can do in a rowing race but this time it wasn’t black it was white. I was still moving swiftly through the air. HAVE to get to that battery!

1 comment:

  1. Note to teacher:
    Please add more options to the drop down menu for comments as some of Team 100 do not have any of those options. Name is good as anyone can comment

    Mrs Skinner


100wc Week 12

“BEEP, BEEP, BEEP”.  Ugh I groan in misery.  It’s monday morning.  A school day.  Leaping out of bed, quickly getting dressed, I hurried o...